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The following list of Outlook Vision Services providers is considered private and confidential. These providers have agreed to offer discounts on eyewear purchases to Outlook members. Average discounts range from 10% to 50% off eyewear. At selected locations, where approved, some providers may also offer discounts on eye examinations.  For mail order contacts please call 1-800-CONTACTS. 

Please do not copy this list for any use other than to access a provider as a current member of Outlook Vision. Any other use of this list is strictly prohibited and any violation of use will be subject to the maximum punishment allowable by law.

For clarification and verification of discount please contact an Outlook Vision representative.  All providers and discounts are subject to change without prior notice to any member. Please call 1-800-342-7188 for any customer service questions.
. . . a whole new way to save 
money on your health care needs!

This plan is a discount plan NOT a health insurance policy. This plan provides discounts at certain health care providers for medical services. This plan does not make payments directly to the providers of medical services. The plan member is obligated to pay for all health care services but will receive a discount from those health care providers who have contracted with the discount medical plan organization. The DMPO does make available an up-to-date list of all program providers which includes their name, city & state, and medical specialty prior to purchase, upon request. That the range of discounts for medical services provided under the plan will vary depending on the type of provider and the medical services received. The corporate name and the location of the licensed discount medical plan organization is: Access One Consumer Health, Inc. 84 Villa Road, Greenville, SC 29615; 1-800-896-1962; www.accessonedmpo.com.
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